social media

10 Tips for Leveraging Your Social Network 1

10 Rules for Leveraging Social Media to Grow Your Business Use these guidelines to harness the power of social media. There is a clear and distinct formula for success in social media. Like a sports playbook, there’s a playbook that you can use to leverage the inherent power of Social […]


Six Ways to Improve Your Social Media

Six Ways to Improve Your Social Media If you’re using Social Media to help advertise or market your business, is it working for you?  If you’re not using Social Media, why not?  It’s mostly free to set up and run Social Media campaigns.  Understanding Social Media is a different story.  […]

Engaging Prospects with Visuals

Engaging Prospects with Visuals It’s a visual world. Everything we do involves a visual engagement of some kind. Even listening to the radio involves your brain creating visuals. So, it’s no surprise that the visuals utilized on websites are critical in engaging your prospects and interacting with your customers. Are […]


Social Media, Worth it or Not? 1

Social Media, Worth it or Not? The question we hear often when being asked about Social Media, “is it worth it or not?” Without a doubt, the answer is YES! Here at PTC Computer Solutions, we recommend highly that you be involved with Social Media as a part of your […]

Social Marketing Trends

We at PTC Computer Solutions have heard on a number of occasions that clients are overwhelmed with Social Media.  They just don’t know where to begin and where to end.  And, it’s all so trendy and fluid that there are some things one day that are gone the next.  Clients […]


To Macro or Micro, That is the Question

To Macro or Micro, That is the Question It has been commonplace in advertising to cast the net as wide as possible in order to attract clients.  A macro-world for a macro-environment, if you will.  It has mostly been about broadcast television and radio and billboards along the highway to […]

Psst! Psell Psychographics!

psy·cho·graph·ics /ˌsīkōˈgrafiks/ noun: psychographics The study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria, esp. in market research. Psychographics are the attributes that describe the personality, attitudes, beliefs, values, emotions, and opinions of customers, and prospective customers.  Demographics describe “who” people are, Psychographics explain “what” […]

How to Quantify Social Media Efforts?

How to Quantify Social Media Efforts? Are you looking for better ways to measure your social media activities?  Do you know if your social media efforts are worthwhile?  Social media measurement is one of the most frustrating challenges businesses face in today’s world.  But, measuring the effectiveness of your social […]

What Makes a Website Visible to Search Engines?

What Makes a Website Visible to Search Engines? It’s one of the most common questions I get, “What makes a website visible to search engines?”  There are many misconceptions and invalid information being bandied about that I’d like to help clarify.  Read on to find out what search engines are […]

Meeting, Greeting, and Tweeting 1

Marketing is a many faceted word.  There is more to marketing than sending out messages and plastering poster boards.  In fact, marketing is almost entirely about Meeting, Greeting, and Tweeting. Meeting people on a personal level in terms that they might understand is one of the most important aspects of […]

Mobile Marketing

Adding a Mobile Strategy to Your Marketing Plan?  The time has come.  Mobile marketing is not just marketing to those who are mobile, but marketing to those who have mobile devices.  Don’t think of it as marketing for those on the move, quite the contrary, mobile marketing is marketing for […]

PTC Computer Solutions - Internet, Web Sites, SEO, Online Marketing

Email or Social Media Marketing?

Email or Social Media Marketing? Email is the old standby for direct online marketing, but should you consider the use of Social Media Marketing as your means of online marketing or stick with Email?  Or, maybe some combination of the two?  There are some hard numbers in from MediaBistro that […]