social marketing

Best Top 4 Tips to Improve your Social Marketing 1

How to Assess and Improve Your Social Media Marketing: A Monthly Plan Without a monthly plan for your social media marketing, you might as well forget implementing it at all. In order for social media to work for you as a marketing tool, it is imperative to not only have […]

Social Media Key Performance Indicators will make your social media networking marketing more effective.

Social Marketing Trends

We at PTC Computer Solutions have heard on a number of occasions that clients are overwhelmed with Social Media.  They just don’t know where to begin and where to end.  And, it’s all so trendy and fluid that there are some things one day that are gone the next.  Clients […]

Focus Marketing On Influencers

Influencers should be your target for any social marketing efforts. It’s become a world where the microcosm is the norm.  Marketing is no exception.  In the past, we did not have the tools or ability to look at small groups of prospects or purchasers, but things have changed.  The Internet […]

How to Quantify Social Media Efforts?

How to Quantify Social Media Efforts? Are you looking for better ways to measure your social media activities?  Do you know if your social media efforts are worthwhile?  Social media measurement is one of the most frustrating challenges businesses face in today’s world.  But, measuring the effectiveness of your social […]