PTC Computer Solutions

Second Homes & Investing

Disposable Income Soaring Thinking about buying a vacation home? You’re not alone. Second homes  are highly sought after now as Americans’ net wealth and disposable income soar to their highest levels on record. Not only are folks eating out more, buying RVs and luxury goods, they’re increasingly looking for a […]



Affordable Housing Held Back

Economists identify an unseen force holding back affordable housing When the smoke cleared after the Great Recession, the home builders who survived were in a surprisingly strong position. They had fewer competitors and more power in their local markets. They have since built on that advantage, consolidating until many markets […]

Home Design Trends

10 Home Design Trends on the Rise See popular features and styles for kitchens, bathrooms, dining rooms and more catching on with Houzz users lately. Home design journalist writing about cool spaces, innovative trends, breaking news, industry analysis and humor. Home Design Trends Homeowners Want What will homeowners be asking […]



Buyer Psychology

10 Tidbits Every Seller Should Know Buyers, like anyone, have some tendencies when looking to procure a product. As a seller, these are some things that you should know. PTC Computer Solutions has worked hard since 1996 to understand the psychology of buyers. Here are ten things that every seller […]

10 Social Media Trends for 2019

Top Ten Social Media Trends to Watch in 2019 At PTC, we have seen a number of trends already developing in 2019. While it’s clear that Social Media platforms have been sources of information for many, it has been increasingly more looked to for all consumer revelations though much more […]



3 Ways to Think of SEO

Inside Google Marketing We as a company spend a lot of time thinking about search engine optimization, or SEO. No small wonder, given that the way people find what they are looking for these days is through a Search, and most often a Google Search, so search is one of […]

Dynamic Audiences in Google Analytics

Reach More Customers with Dynamic Audiences For businesses to make the best decisions about where to invest their marketing budget, it’s critical that they understand user behavior on both their web and app properties. And while a website is often the first customer touchpoint, for many businesses, apps are where […]



Improve Sales Through 3D Printing

Leveraging 3D Printing to Sell New Homes With the continued advancements in 3D Printing, it’s become something to consider when developing a marketing plan to boost your sales.  Traditional media formats are still useful, but consider the new potential in 3D Printing. Costs of 3D Printing continue to decline as […]

Website Mistakes

When Hosting Websites, Avoid These Pitfalls With client services, it can often seem like you’re riding an income roller coaster that you can’t escape. Some months you’re flush with cash and in others, you’re barely scraping by. It’s a tough and very stressful place to be, which is why so […]


Instagram Stories Strategy

How to Make Stories That Benefit Your Business Want to attract more leads with Instagram? Curious how a story arc on Instagram Stories can help?  PTC works closely with clients to ensure the message is definitive, interesting, and relevant.  Instagram needs to be even more so. Why Create Instagram Stories? […]



Customer Service or Customer Experience?

Customer Service or Customer Experience? Customer experience — not service — is the new battleground Forget the customer is always right.  Of course, the customer is always right.  But the new thing in generating repeat business from clients is customer experience. That’s the “next battlefield,” according to a recent Infographic […]

The Internet of Things (IoT)

Will IoT affect the way we live? More and more, there are incidents with moving forward with technology without fully vetting them in their operations.  Amazon Echo’s Alexa and Google’s Assistant are devices that are the most visible of these with people complaining that these new devices are reacting when […]



Website Essentials

Most websites fall well short of fulfilling their basic objective.  A website is a marketing tool, but many businesses use it as a personal conveyance.  It’s a product of our times to voice our personal perspectives, but your website is not the place for it.  Everything we interact with on […]

Search Engine Domination

Search Engines are still dominating the online world.  Almost everyone who uses the Internet uses a Search Engine of some kind or another.  The predominant Search Engine is Google, but others make up the whole of how people find things online.  We all know the Good Giant of the Internet, […]



PTC Computer Solutions & Parker Associates at IBS 2018

PTC Computer Solutions and Parker Associates will be at IBS 2018 in Orlando PTC Computer Solutions and Parker Associates will be in attendance at the International Builders Show in Orlando January 9-11, 2018.  We will be conducting meetings with key business executives discussing building projects, developments, and business technologies and […]

PTC Computer Solutions Projects 1

These three simple words — WHO? WHAT? HOW? — constitute the essence of efficient marketing and sales through regular marketing media or online marketing. These three key elements – Who, What, and How are the basis for Marketing Success in guiding businesses of any kind including community developers, hoteliers, and […]

REMA-Who-What-How-Diagram - defining your prospect


Writing for Robots

Writing for Robots According to recent statistics from Incapsula, Robots outnumber Humans on the Internet.  What does that mean for your website?  You should be writing for the Robots more than the Humans.  If you’re a verbose writer, this plays in to your hands.  If you don’t like writing much, […]

Data is King

Data is King Best Practices in Online Data Collection User Data is Gold to Marketers Consumer information is a valuable resource and online marketing tool. With tight marketing budgets and a high level of competition always a concern, the decisions you make and where you invest your marketing dollars are […]



Password Tips To Help You Avoid Getting Hacked 1

Hackers are getting more sophisticated with their methods and their tools.  Don’t be “compromised” with a weak password.  Make sure you are using the current best practices to create your passwords.  Here are some steps summarized from the PSU IT department. To add an extra layer of security, consider using […]

Engaging Prospects with Visuals

Engaging Prospects with Visuals It’s a visual world. Everything we do involves a visual engagement of some kind. Even listening to the radio involves your brain creating visuals. So, it’s no surprise that the visuals utilized on websites are critical in engaging your prospects and interacting with your customers. Are […]


Best Practices: 3 Key Factors Search Engines Look For

Best Practices: 3 Key Factors Search Engines Look For When it comes to proactive web maintenance, the principal goal is to keep your website running at optimal levels at all times. That means search engine visibility is one of the most integral parts of your website’s performance. To reach a […]

Social Media, Worth it or Not? 1

Social Media, Worth it or Not? The question we hear often when being asked about Social Media, “is it worth it or not?” Without a doubt, the answer is YES! Here at PTC Computer Solutions, we recommend highly that you be involved with Social Media as a part of your […]

Responsive, Mobile, or Dynamic?

Responsive Design is the latest buzz word in the world of website development.  For the last year, PTC Computer Solutions has been fielding the question of “Should we have a Responsive web design or not?”  The answer is not a simple one.  It really depends on what your objectives are.  […]

10 Mobile Web Strategy Objectives

PTC Computer Solutions is involved with many companies interested in improving their Web Marketing Strategy for the Mobile environment.  More so in recent years than previously with the increasing population of Mobile Browsers.  Global smartphone penetration is now 16.7 percent in a recent study which is a 46.6 percent growth […]

Social Marketing Trends

We at PTC Computer Solutions have heard on a number of occasions that clients are overwhelmed with Social Media.  They just don’t know where to begin and where to end.  And, it’s all so trendy and fluid that there are some things one day that are gone the next.  Clients […]

Building Intrigue with Design 1

Build Intrigue with your web site design. I’ve seen so many web designs through the years that don’t do anything to intrigue me.  There are two distinct parts to a web site and most sites miss out on one or the other, or, in more cases than I can hardly […]

Building Inroads with SEO

Building Inroads with SEO 9

Getting listed high on the Search Engine Rankings (SER) is the primary concern of people these days. It is one thing to have a web site, but if no one can find it then it is pretty useless. Think of it like building a shop in the middle of the […]

Psst! Psell Psychographics!

psy·cho·graph·ics /ˌsīkōˈgrafiks/ noun: psychographics The study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria, esp. in market research. Psychographics are the attributes that describe the personality, attitudes, beliefs, values, emotions, and opinions of customers, and prospective customers.  Demographics describe “who” people are, Psychographics explain “what” […]

Stick to What Works

Recently, I was asked by the Jacksonville Business Journal what I thought about some of the latest web designs.  In a long winded reply, I told them to Stick to What Works.  When it comes to web design, the key is to make it easy for people to find what […]

Focus Marketing On Influencers

Influencers should be your target for any social marketing efforts. It’s become a world where the microcosm is the norm.  Marketing is no exception.  In the past, we did not have the tools or ability to look at small groups of prospects or purchasers, but things have changed.  The Internet […]

PTC Explains how to handle sales objections.

Handling Marketing Strategies AND Sales Objections 10

Marketing is all about getting your company noticed or putting your company in front of people, preferably people who might be a prospective client, and making sure that the message is clear, enlightening, poignant, and relevant without turning people off.  Sales is the follow up to marketing.  It’s the reason […]

Todd Johnston Homes

PTC Computer Solutions of Jacksonville, Florida has been retained along with REDdot Marketing also of Jacksonville, Florida to redesign an existing web site for Todd Johnston Homes, Sarasota’s Custom Home Builder since 1979.  Todd Johnston Homes is dedicated to building the highest quality custom homes in the Sarasota and Manatee […]

PTC-Clients-Screenshots-Todd Johnston, Home Builder

How to Quantify Social Media Efforts?

How to Quantify Social Media Efforts? Are you looking for better ways to measure your social media activities?  Do you know if your social media efforts are worthwhile?  Social media measurement is one of the most frustrating challenges businesses face in today’s world.  But, measuring the effectiveness of your social […]

PTC Computer Solutions New Client – Connestee Falls 4

The Real Estate Marketing Alliance, also known as REMA, combines the talents and services of three companies:  Parker Associates, REDdot Marketing, and PTC Computer Solutions.  This Alliance is designed to provide a complete marketing and sales support team for the benefit of not only master planned community developers and existing […]

PTC-Clients-Screenshots-Connestee Falls, Brevard, North Carolina master planned community

Prospecting Online

It never ceases to amaze me that people don’t make time to go “prospecting” for new clients.  It is the fundamental building block of any business and cannot be something you aren’t doing on a daily basis, no matter what business you are in.  Learn how to prospect online and […]

The SEO Checklist for SEA

The SEO Checklist for SEA Written by David W. B. Parker President of PTC Computer Solutions The acronym for Search Engine Optimization, SEO, is being bandied around all over the Internet, but there are many people who are confused by the term.  It would be more apt to use SEA […]