
Psychographic Tips for Knowing Your Buyer 1

Understanding what consumers are interested in and where they are looking are critical for knowing what to offer and how.  When looking at the prospective buyers, look no further than understanding the psychographics of them. Psychographics emerged in the 1960s as a focus on personality categorization, related behavior and interests […]

Buyer Psychographics

REMA-Who-What-How-Diagram - defining your prospect

Data is NOT Analysis

Many businesses believe if they collect data they have some knowledge of what their prospects are interested in.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  The fact is that data, in a traditional sense, is almost definitively unimportant in today’s world of diversity and change. “Information is NOT knowledge.”  ~  […]

Using Analytics Behavior Reports to Optimize Content

Using Analytics Behavior Reports to Optimize Content For many years, the gauge for website success has been how many visitors have arrived at the site. This is not only an archaic methodology, but also falls well short of understanding the effectiveness of a website and the message it is trying […]

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Building Intrigue with Design 1

Build Intrigue with your web site design. I’ve seen so many web designs through the years that don’t do anything to intrigue me.  There are two distinct parts to a web site and most sites miss out on one or the other, or, in more cases than I can hardly […]

Building Inroads with SEO 9

Getting listed high on the Search Engine Rankings (SER) is the primary concern of people these days. It is one thing to have a web site, but if no one can find it then it is pretty useless. Think of it like building a shop in the middle of the […]

Building Inroads with SEO

Psst! Psell Psychographics!

psy·cho·graph·ics /ˌsīkōˈgrafiks/ noun: psychographics The study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria, esp. in market research. Psychographics are the attributes that describe the personality, attitudes, beliefs, values, emotions, and opinions of customers, and prospective customers.  Demographics describe “who” people are, Psychographics explain “what” […]