Todd Johnston Homes

PTC-Clients-Screenshots-Todd Johnston, Home Builder

PTC-Clients-Screenshots-Todd Johnston, Home Builder

PTC Computer Solutions of Jacksonville, Florida has been retained along with REDdot Marketing also of Jacksonville, Florida to redesign an existing web site for Todd Johnston Homes, Sarasota’s Custom Home Builder since 1979.  Todd Johnston Homes is dedicated to building the highest quality custom homes in the Sarasota and Manatee region.

President and CEO of PTC Computer Solutions, David W. B. Parker, was excited for the opportunity to work with a custom home builder again after several years of quiet from that sector.   “It’s always exciting to know that we work at the base level of the economy where trends tend to become evident with us before the rest of the business world is aware of it.  As a small business, we are more like the tires on the road where every little bump is noticed for good or for bad.  The big businesses are more like the car with all their shocks and struts and don’t feel the small nuances until they are either heading up or down the hill.”

Businesses usually look to their marketing first and more often to their least expensive avenue toward marketing, the web site, when things are heading down OR up.  Right now, between Todd Johnston Homes and several other new clients from the building industry including builders, re-modelers, renovators, and developers of housing, Parker has been seeing a definite trend upward since the middle of 2012.  The market is bearing that out.

If you are looking to get noticed on the Internet but don’t know where to begin, let PTC Computer Solutions help you get started or help improve your current website and website marketing plan.  We can plan a full budget for your company and complete any web marketing efforts you wish to achieve to deliver a consistent and effective message to your prospects.  Contact David W. B. Parker (when you think of “W. B.” think of WeB) at or go to for more information.

By David W. B. Parker
PTC Computer Solutions


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