Zero Energy Redefined

The Grid has redefined the potential PTC Computer Solutions has been involved in working with builders who work toward attaining that ultimate goal of “Zero Energy” homes. But, with many of the utility companies controlling the grid and the benefits of “Net Metering” once thought to be the solution, now […]

Apartment Shortage? Really?

Is Florida Facing an Apartment Shortage? In a recent report from the Florida Apartment Association, there is going to be a shortage of apartments if we don’t increase the production. Of course, this won’t be until 2030, but it’s something to look at. Parker Associates has been working on a […]

Land Acquisition Profitability

The Effects of the Cost of Land Land Acquisition is a part of the building process that many builders tend to take as a given. It’s not. Parker Associates looks at land every day and we’ve been critical of the process since the get go. There is more to assessing […]

Reining in Social Media

Our friends at Kiplinger, report that we’ve had enough of this Social Media influx of bad content. In an effort to rein in internet giants, Lawmakers are homing in on a new tactic: Make sites more responsible for user posts. How? Reduce or scrap their legal immunity for the flood […]

Which Social Media Platform is Best?

Most Companies Use Social Media, but Which is Best It’s not a question of using Social Media, just a question of which ones are best for the purposes of the business. Not all platforms are worth the time and effort depending on the business. There are a number of excellent […]

Focus on the Perfect Keywords

How to choose the perfect focus keyword Regularly adding quality content to your website or blog is a good SEO strategy. Google sees that your website is active because new information is added and you increase the volume of your content. If you have crafted your keyword strategy properly and […]

Ridding SpamBots – reCaptcha Won’t Work but the Honeypot Method Will

How do we get rid of these SpamBots on our site? Every site falls victim to SpamBots at some point. How you handle it can affect your customers, and most solutions can discourage some people from filling out your forms. That’s where the Honeypot Technique comes in. It allows you […]


Marketing Do’s and Don’ts

Why your marketing is failing and what to do about it As marketing consultants to developers since 1982, we at Parker Associates have had the opportunity to constantly meet business leaders who have questions about marketing or are curious about how to market to their prospects. Almost every conversation starts […]

4 Letters to Selling Anything

Why do people buy? One of the keys to being able to sell a product is to understand what makes it sell. Some things don’t change, people like to buy things because they want it or need it. But, there are always choices. How do you stand out in a […]


3 Keys to the Housing Market

Things to Know in Today’s Housing Market. A lot is happening in the world, and it’s having a direct impact on the housing market. The reality is this: some of it is positive and some of it may be negative. Some we just don’t know yet. The following three areas […]



Exit Planning for Your Business

Aging US Business Owners As America’s population gets older, many businesses will change hands in the coming years. Just as the workforce is aging, the ranks of business owners are grayer on average. A lot of owners are mulling how and when to sell. Businesses will be changing hands soon […]

Falling Interest Rates

Falling interest rates are spurring a new wave of mortgage refinancing. With the average rate on a 30-year fixed home loan now at less than 4%, there are 7 million homeowners who could cut their current rate by three-quarters of a percentage point. Many are taking notice: Refis are up […]



The Homebuying Process is Speeding Up

The Process of buying is faster Kiplinger reports that the process of buying homes is speeding up as a host of start-up firms use sophisticated algorithms to identify promising investment properties and generate an instant offer made directly to the homeowner. If the owner accpts, closing can take place in […]

Avoiding the SEO Pitfalls

Avoiding the SEO pitfalls of URL parameters URL parameters are the parts of the address of a web page often visible after a question mark (?), ampersand (&), equals (=) or other attribute. Parameters might also be referred to as “query strings” and are commonly used on e-commerce websites. Numerous […]



SEO Friendly URLS

The Ultimate Guide for an SEO-Friendly URL Structure Google’s Featured Snippets are prime real estate in the SERPs, but if you want to capture them it’s hard to know where to start. This powerful tool identifies and organizes Featured Snippet data for your keywords making it easier for you to […]

Here Come the Pivotals

Reaching Gen Z If you’re anything like everyone (and most of us are), then you don’t have a clue about Generation Z, becoming popularly known as “The Pivotals” and for good reason. Finding out how to connect with the next generation of consumers is a critical marketing understanding for any […]



Millennials Aren’t All Millennials

Millennials are a generic term for the generation we consider born from the early 80s through the late 90s. There are various definitions for exacting years of this group, but it’s a large categorizations for such a diverse group. Though they are similar in many ways, they have their differences. […]

Finding the Right Customer

Get Your Target Right Making a perfect product might not be enough. Even if you’re convinced you’ve made the right product for the right customer, you may have missed the boat. Make sure to do the research, refine the marketing, launch the product — and then wait to be promptly […]



Millennials Killed the Mall, Pivotals Will Save It

The next generation of U.S. buyers isn’t shopping like their parents. Gen Z, The Pivotals, keeps confounding Corporate America. It’s their nature. They can’t help it. They’ve shunned beer, they want companies to take political stands and they trust Kardashians to make their makeup choices. But perhaps the biggest surprise […]

Barclay’s Real Estate Group Entering the Jacksonville Market

Parker Associates is excited to announce its affiliation with Barclay’s Real Estate Group based in Fort Myers, Florida.  Barclay’s is one of the largest most successful residential and commercial real estate operations in SW Florida operating primarily in the Fort Myers and Naples markets, but active in Sarasota-Bradenton and other […]



Being OK Can Be Great

It might come as a surprise to some people, but being OK, can be a great thing. Some of the best people I know are OK people. I don’t mean they are just OK in how I feel about them. I mean they are not people who worry about too […]

First Time Homebuyers Finding It Tough

Tightening Mortgages Making It Difficult Kiplinger reports that the first time homebuyers are having more difficulties with getting mortgages. They also report that Investors are giving some push back on stocks that lack key components. First Timers Many first-time home buyers will have a tougher time getting a mortgage. The […]


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Online News, Fact or Fiction

Ramping Up the Fight The difficult fight to neutralize false online news stories is ramping up. It’s only a matter of time before the regulations on the many social media platforms becomes more stringent. A major goal is to appease advertisers who are souring on certain websites and online platforms […]

Scooter Swarm

On the Move Perhaps you have noticed the scooters on every corner from Coral Gables to Indianapolis to San Diego and beyond. The dockless scooters offer an alternative way to get around that is both simple and convenient. Offering a simple smartphone app, they can be unlocked, used, and parked […]




5 Steps To Success Finishing what you start is the most important aspect to successfully completing any task.  Sure, it sounds obvious, but I can’t tell you how many times I hear that people don’t have time to finish something, or can’t get started on something because they can’t find […]

IoT Apps for Real Estate

3 Key IoT Applications to Improve Your Real Estate Assets The Internet of Things (IoT) applications in real estate are promising. From predictive maintenance to accelerated decision making to increased energy efficiency, IoT will improve both the real estate industry and our everyday lives. Buying a home is one of […]



Near Field Communication

Firms are Ramping Up Adoption of NFC With companies increasing the adaptation of Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, there is a large number of new advancements to be made in various fields, including marketing of all kinds. The NFC technology allows two chip-enabled “things” to wirelessly communicate quickly and securely […]

Questions to Answer for Successful Businesses

Every Owner Must Be Able to Answer these 11 Questions And this isn’t just a one-time exercise–these are the questions you should be asking yourself and your team constantly. As a long time business owner of PTC Computer Solutions as well as start-ups NETneighbor and the Internet Access Club, I’m […]



Buyer Psychology

10 Tidbits Every Seller Should Know Buyers, like anyone, have some tendencies when looking to procure a product. As a seller, these are some things that you should know. PTC Computer Solutions has worked hard since 1996 to understand the psychology of buyers. Here are ten things that every seller […]

10 Social Media Trends for 2019

Top Ten Social Media Trends to Watch in 2019 At PTC, we have seen a number of trends already developing in 2019. While it’s clear that Social Media platforms have been sources of information for many, it has been increasingly more looked to for all consumer revelations though much more […]



3 Ways to Think of SEO

Inside Google Marketing We as a company spend a lot of time thinking about search engine optimization, or SEO. No small wonder, given that the way people find what they are looking for these days is through a Search, and most often a Google Search, so search is one of […]

Dynamic Audiences in Google Analytics

Reach More Customers with Dynamic Audiences For businesses to make the best decisions about where to invest their marketing budget, it’s critical that they understand user behavior on both their web and app properties. And while a website is often the first customer touchpoint, for many businesses, apps are where […]



Improve Sales Through 3D Printing

Leveraging 3D Printing to Sell New Homes With the continued advancements in 3D Printing, it’s become something to consider when developing a marketing plan to boost your sales.  Traditional media formats are still useful, but consider the new potential in 3D Printing. Costs of 3D Printing continue to decline as […]

2019 Tech & Telecom

Things to Watch For It’s going to be an interesting year, no matter what happens. But, there are some things that our team at PTC Computer Solutions along with the Kiplinger group definitely feel are going to be prominent to watch for in 2019 as we can now get almost […]



Website Mistakes

When Hosting Websites, Avoid These Pitfalls With client services, it can often seem like you’re riding an income roller coaster that you can’t escape. Some months you’re flush with cash and in others, you’re barely scraping by. It’s a tough and very stressful place to be, which is why so […]

Improving Traffic and Sales through Product Feeds

Some Strategies to Successful Sales Product feeds are one of the quickest ways to increase your brand visibility, product reach and visits back to your website.  And if you’ve done a great job with your website, you’ll see that traffic turn into better leads & sales. Just so we all […]



YouTube Still Video King

YouTube provides better viewers In a recent report, the use of video on YouTube was looked at in comparison to some of the other platforms out there. PTC Computer Solutions has always been advocate of YouTube, but it hasn’t always been the choice of our clients. It’s a mistake they […]

Essential SEO

5 Strategies to Success The term, SEO, is widely used in the business and online universe, but we here at PTC Computer Solutions always get questions about what it is.  SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.  But, again, what is that.  In general, it is just a phrase for improving […]



10 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Retail Uses

Artificial Intelligence for both Present and Future Businesses often ask “what good is Artificial Intelligence to me?”  Books and Movies have romanticized AI to the point where the true benefits of the technologies have been lost.  AI is not about a robot learning things and taking over the world.  Artificial […]