Optimization Is Not Optional

Optimization Is Not Optional

Chief Marketer is a leading surveyor of Internet users.  They are currently gathering information for 2013 users, but in their 2012 survey there is a considerable amount of data collected regarding the use of Optimization techniques.  A snippet is summarized here.  Most analysts said that mobile as a viable marketing channel starts with optimizing the website for viewing over the mobile browser. If that’s the case, marketers seem still to be trying to skimp on the foundations of their campaigns. About 31% said their brand’s main website has been optimized for viewing over most mobile devices, and 17% report that they run a separate version of that site built for mobile visits. But a good 39% said their brands haven’t optimized for mobile or developed a WAP site, and another 8% don’t know their mobile optimization levels. Those figures are only slight improvements over the 43% and 6% who gave the same responses last year.

Why not optimize? No budget, said 36% of those with un-mobile websites. But other factors were almost as important as costs, including not seeing mobile users as a primary target (26%) and not having anyone at the brand or in its agency to champion the drive to mobile (26%).

This failure to adapt starts to look a bit willful when CM asked if respondents monitor their email messaging campaigns to see how many recipients are opening mail on mobile devices—a fairly easy task. Only 36% said they’re watching those mobile opens, compared to 45% who don’t (and 14% who don’t know).

Of those who do know their email open rates via mobile, a solid 72% said they’re optimizing those messages for the mobile browser.

If you are interested in planning and budgeting an online mobile marketing campaign but don’t know where to begin, let PTC Computer Solutions help you get started.  We can plan and deliver a full budget for your company to deliver a consistent and effective message to your prospects.  Contact David W. B. Parker (the “W. B.” stands for WeB) at davidp@ptccomputersolutions.com or go to www.ptccomputersolutions.com for more information.

By David W. B. Parker
PTC Computer Solutions

PTC Computer Solutions - Internet, Web Sites, SEO, Online Marketing

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