
Experienced, Top Level Web Design

“David is very professional and he knows his game. He’s been doing web design since the very early roots of the internet. Experience is a must in this market and he knows it, and performs at a top level!” Curt ZimmermannRaintree GraphicsJacksonville, Florida

Second Homes & Investing

Disposable Income Soaring Thinking about buying a vacation home? You’re not alone. Second homes  are highly sought after now as Americans’ net wealth and disposable income soar to their highest levels on record. Not only are folks eating out more, buying RVs and luxury goods, they’re increasingly looking for a […]



Affordable Housing Held Back

Economists identify an unseen force holding back affordable housing When the smoke cleared after the Great Recession, the home builders who survived were in a surprisingly strong position. They had fewer competitors and more power in their local markets. They have since built on that advantage, consolidating until many markets […]

Home Design Trends

10 Home Design Trends on the Rise See popular features and styles for kitchens, bathrooms, dining rooms and more catching on with Houzz users lately. Home design journalist writing about cool spaces, innovative trends, breaking news, industry analysis and humor. Home Design Trends Homeowners Want What will homeowners be asking […]



Block Bad Website Bots and Spiders Tweaking .htaccess

Key Steps to Securing Your Site Bots are exceedingly common on the web. In fact, as of 2012, bot traffic exceeded human traffic on the web. That’s right; more than 50% of the hits on your website, on average, come from robots rather than humans as of 2012. These days, […]

Website Search Traffic Drop

12 Common Reasons Your Website Traffic Is Dropping Successful PR, media strategy, creative and advertising executives from Forbes Agency Council share trends and tips. For any business with an online presence, website traffic is important; the more visitors you have, the more opportunities you have to make your brand known, […]
